澳洲的國定例假日,簡單的概念如下圖,可是各州都還有小小差異,請見Australia public holidays (2004~2007)

New Year’s Day………………………….…1-2 Jan

Australia Day…………………………….....26 Jan

Good Friday…………………………………14 Apr

Holy Saturday……………………………….15 Apr

Easter Monday………………………………17 Apr

ANZAC Day………………………………….25 Apr

Queen’s Birthday (except WA)…………….12 Jun

Labour Day…………………………………...02 Oct

Christmas Day……………………………….25 Dec

Boxing Day………………………………….. 26 Dec

客居西澳,我常弄不清楚到底Foundation Day (June 5th) 到底是甚麼意思?按字面解釋應該是建國紀念日,可是1-26 Australia Day是國家的生日(澳洲建國週年紀念日),那麼Foundation Day 算甚麼東西呢

澳洲每年的一月二十六日,現在就是建國週年紀念日(Australia Day), 原來這個建國週年紀念日,最早是被稱作Foundation Day, 以緬懷英國皇家第一艦隊的登陸和首次佔領澳洲. 以後在白澳運動的影響下,他被更改為白種人殖民澳洲紀念日”,然後又改為歐洲日殖民澳洲紀念日”,改來改去最後變成Australia Day.


然而目前澳洲全國的國定例假日中(公司行號學校都放假),只有西澳把每年六月第一個Monday 定Foundation Day (June 5th),其他各州(除了西澳)於一週後(也就是第二個Moday)慶祝女皇生日Queen’s Birthday (except WA, 12 Jun).

不管是Foundation Day 還是Queen’s Birthday,現在這個節慶日都跟表揚優異的傑出公民有關有牽連. 例如西澳One of the most important official events conducted each year on Foundation Day is The Western Australian Citizen of the Year Awards.

Foundation Day also gives us the opportunity to share a common bond with the land, celebrate our unity, promote respect, acceptance, understanding, and pride in ourselves, one another and in this wonderful State of Western Australia.



1. 在西澳 Queen’s Birthday只紀念不放假....因為Foundation Day已經放假.

2. What's on 26 January

On Australia Day we come together as a nation to celebrate what's great about Australia and being Australian.

In communities across the nation, Australians take to the streets, parks and backyards to celebrate our land, people, heritage, diversity and freedom.

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}" href="http://www.australiaday.gov.au/area.asp?aID=1" target="_blank">http://www.australiaday.gov.au/area.asp?aID=1

Visit your state or territory Australia Day website to find out what's on in your area.

Please note: The following events took place in celebration of Australia Day 2006. Visit your state or territory Australia Day website to find out what's on in your area.

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