Celebration Arrival at The Stage Door Bar & Brasserie.

這間餐廳賣的是View, 週末生意滿檔!


Wedding Buffet 費用約A$ 30-40/每人. 食物還蠻好吃可口! 親友團有部分人士吃素,所以餐點安排還頗費心思,以在台灣辦婚宴的觀點來看,餐廳廂房的場地稍嫌有點小, 但是還擠得下40多位親朋好友.


晚餐6.00開始, 5.20-6.00 pm 之間,可到bar台點非含酒精的各式調製飲料或果汁,無限暢飲!

Vegetarian Pumpkin Soup with fresh crusty bred rolls (小餐包) served to tables (南瓜湯送到桌上)


Anti-asto platter of olivers, sun-dried tomatoes, pickiedvegetables, roasted pimento & assorted dips (顧著聊天,沒吃到此道菜)

Cared prime siloin or beet with oregano jus(葷食)

Green creey vegetables with steamed rice

Baked snapper with coriander, pin-nuts & pimento (葷食)

Mediterransan vegetables in soy and mild chilli sauce tossed through egg noodles

Roastd  gourmet potatoes

Greek Salad (下圖,左上角的希臘式青菜沙拉)

Potato Salad  (上圖右下角白色那一大碗公)

Fresh fruit (下圖)& assorted Australian cheeses (上圖與下圖的左邊)

Wedding Cake

Tea and Coffee (免拍照啦)


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