Wave Rock形成和歷史,它是一座山經過風化與雨水的洗刷成為今日的模樣! 年歲多到還要數個好半天!



Day 1: discover Wave Rock in the morning, Aboriginal walking tour and lunch at Wave Rock in the Wildflower Shoppe, followed by a walk through the Lace Collection and a visit at the Wildlife Park, then spend the evening at Stargate Observatory.

Day 2: drive out to the rabbit fence or visit Mulka's Cave and the Humps. Possible farm tour in the afternoon, playing golf or take a walk and experience our bush with its bird life and wildflowers (in season).


我的行程是當天往返,一行8人,每人A$ 128, 參加華人團-經驗豐富的個人導遊的Local Tour. 聯絡電話: David Ho (何大偉) Mob: 0418 919 676 email: dho@iinet.net.au 

Thrifty carDSC_5928-1

哈哈~~這麼無趣的旅遊景點,居然被我們玩得超有趣的~~波浪岩的旅遊小冊上所介紹的景點....我只有走 Wave Rock and Hippo's Yawn.

荷馬打哈欠! 不知道我是否還會再來第二次嗎??

PS: 網路上有人自己租車的玩法: 我們也有路過Corrigin, 真的是人煙稀少,看樣子要上午抵達Wave Rock 還要遇到大陰天,拍照才不會產生影子!


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